"Apakah (akan dibangkitkan juga) apabila kami telah menjadi tulang belulang yang hancur lumat?"
Mereka berkata: "Kalau demikian, itu adalah suatu pengembalian yang merugikan."
Sesungguhnya pengembalian itu hanyalah satu kali tiupan saja, maka dengan serta merta mereka hidup kembali di permukaan bumi.
(An-Naazi'at : 11-14)
Assalamualaikum buat semua pembaca,
Entri ini saya hasilkan hanya untuk memudahkan rujukan saya tentang sebahagian daripada topik fractures, yang saya copy paste daripada page facebook Dentistry---طب الأسنان .
Midface Fractures

>>le Fort Type 1
- horizontal maxillary fracture.
- fracture line passes through the alveolar ridge, lateral nose and inferior wall of maxillary sinus.
>>le Fort Type 2
- pyramidal fracture
- fracture arch passes through posterior alveolar ridge, medial orbital rim and nasal bones.
>>le Fort Type 3
- craniofacial disjunction
- fracture line passes through nasofrontal suture, maxillo-frontal suture , orbital wall and zygomatic arch.
Mandibular fractures
We can classify the mandibular fractures according to :
1- anatomical distribution of mandibular fractures (figure 1)

figure 1
2- according to extent of injury (figure 2)
A- Simple Fracture. A simple fracture is a break in the bone that does not produce an open wound in the skin. A simple fracture can be complete (complete severance of the bone) or incomplete. Tissue adjacent to the fracture may or may not suffer considerable injury.
B- Greenstick fracture is one in which one side of the bone is broken and the other side is bent.
C- Compound Fracture. A compound fracture is a break in the bone with an external wound extending to the bone. Communication from the bone to the skin or other covering surface is an invitation for contamination.
D- Comminuted Fracture. A comminuted fracture is one in which the bone is splintered into three or more fragments or is crushed.
NOTE: A compound-comminuted fracture is one with both a splintering of the bone and a break in the bone with an opening to the covering surface.

figure 2
3- favorable and unfavorable mandibular fracture
Favorable Fracture. A favorable fracture is when the line of the fracture occurs in a direction that does not allow the pull of the muscles on the segments to displace the segments.
Unfavorable Fracture. An unfavorable fracture is a fracture with displacement or separation of the fractured segments due to muscle pull on the segments.
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